Together We Can Help Business Owners Globally Conquer Tech Hell, Ditch Content Creation Overwhelm and Simplify Social Media While Igniting Multiple Streams of Passive Income For You...

(Oh and let's do that without the complicated sales systems or minimum requirements that some companies place on affiliates to get paid the money they have earned by referring. We want everyone to win!).

10% To 50% Commission

No Strings Monthly Payouts

Simple Sales Systems

We Gave Her OVER $2,000 in commission from just one workshop!

The Benefits Of Joining The

Social Sellers Affiliate Program

Training Provided

We know that some people don't feel tech, social media savvy or might be new to affiliate marketing. We are system creators and we want you to win. What we teach are the best for growing relationships, making you sales, and growing organic reach fast without the overwhelm or confusing systems that take forever to learn.

Generous Commission

In 2024 we have moved back to our roots as a social enterprise. We know how valuable affiliates are and we want to reward you. We designed our affiliate program to change lives. Everything we create is designed to help simplify and Make people More Money by giving them systems & getting them out of overwhelm...

Range Of Price Tags

We help people at different price ranges as we know what it is like to start with nothing. This means if you are a business owner looking to help your clients or helping the stay-at-home mom, you can refer people to something in their price range and create a passive income stream without needing to create any products.

Travel & Gifts

If you are like us you may love to travel and gifts but it may not always be in your budget or you don't want to go alone. A lot of our extra incentives include travel vouchers and even paid trips so you can explore the world.

Exclusive Large Events

We can run exclusive events for your people and organizations tailored to their needs. This means that you can approach companies for team trainings and businesses in your area so you can earn bonuses in much bigger amounts.

Impact Making

There are so many out there with big missions and visions, but they struggle to get visibility because of tech and marketing. If we truly want to create financial freedom we need to reach more of them faster.

10% To 50% Commission

No Strings Monthly Payouts

Simple Sales Systems

We are on a mission to help millions to hit their financial freedom goals with LESS time behind a screen. Together let's help business owners ditch the bullsh*t to do lists that keep us buying programs & get them launched FAST so they can earn while they learn.

Create Your Affiliate Account

The 7 Ways To Earn With Us

How do I make money?


Your Personal Sales: Minimum 20% on group products (10%-15% on done-for-you services) PLUS sell $500 or more & get an extra 5% PLUS sell $2,000+ and you make 10% bonus instead of 5%.

Refer Affiliates: Earn 10% on each of their personal sales as well. This includes recurring payments.

This means you earn recurring passive income on your sales and that of each affiliate you refer who also sells.

The only minimum requirement is $30 in commission to be paid. It banks each month until you make $30. You are not required to bring in other affiliates or hit any sales goals to get paid.

Refer People and Earn

Every offer that we have has an affiliate commission attached to it as we are passionate about helping others to create passive income. For group offers such as our energetics program, Social Media Sprints, and workshop you make a minimum of 20% of the paid price. With 1:1 sessions such as the Business Accelerator Audit and done-for-you work, you earn 10% adds up quickly if they choose a $5,000 website package for example.

Refer Others To Join The Affiliate Program

We know it is impossible to share the mission and spread the word globally without thousands of people talking about it. For this reason, if you refer others to join as an affiliate, you receive a second-tier commission of 10% for everything they sell.

Bonus Commissions

For those who are taking the time to really help others, we thank them with percentage bonuses. If in a calendar month, you make at least $500 in sales, you enter the 5% Club and we give you an extra 5% commission on every sale made for that month. Decide to be a super affiliate by selling at least $2,000 in a calendar month and you are in the 10% club and you get an extra 10% on every sale instead of 5%.

Challenges & Campaigns

We love to make our program fun and as such we run team events that include additional bonuses and gifts for different activities. They may come in the way of a gift card, travel incentive or bonus commission in your check.

Faith Guest Speaking

Faith is excited to speak on your social media, YouTube, Podcast, in your programs, and at your events. If you have taken the time to gather at least 20 people in one place you get bonus commissions. This bonus is discussed privately when the events are booked.

Joint Ventures Integrations

Just like you, we are always looking to share the word about other business owners and grow our passive income. If you have an affiliate program in your business that aligns with our brand we would LOVE to talk to you about being on our social media, in our programs as part of a joint venture.

Additional Commission Opportunities

The tech platform that we use for all our clients gives 60% affiliate commission. This means that you could not only earn money from us but can give people your affiliate link to earn commission from them. Also as we teach clients to create affiliate programs for their business we can suggest complimentary products to you where you could be paid a commission.

So How Does It Work?

How do I get paid?

1. Your Customized Link

You give your people a customized link that tells our website that person is referred by you. It puts a cookie in their device that lasts for a year and links them to you. That cookie tracks all sales to you they make as long as they don't change devices, clear their cookies, or click on another promoter's link. The website will always track the sale to the most recent affiliate so make sure you are following up with your leads.

2. You Get An Email

The Systeme platform will then send you an email to let you know that you have made a sale. If you want to know who bought, you can log in and you will see their email address in your dashboard under 'affiliate dashboard'. This way you know who has bought and who you may need to follow up with, answer more questions for or check-in on.

3. Create Wise Account

We recommend that you create a WISE account as soon as you start promoting and get verified so that you can begin to receive commissions automatically as soon as you have earned them. You will be shown how in the training group. Creating a Wise account is FREE and allows us to pay fewer fees so we can keep the commission rates up.

4. You Get Paid!

Our system automatically pays out around the 13th of each month (depending on business days & holidays) to your Wise account. The only requirement is you need to earn a minimum $30 in commissions to be paid out each month. If you don't it compounds from month to month until you have earned the $30.

Please note that payments will be frozen if you do not provide us with tax details or ABN. This is a legal requirement on us by the government.

Fastest Way To Earn As An Affiliate

Step 1: Join The Team In The Facebook Group

In here you will find training on everything you need to earn money. We will also host regular live trainings and working bees to help you earn.

Step 2: Create Your Personal Affiliate Link

Create your unique affiliate link to each program so our website can track people from you. We are global so you can earn in multiple currencies.

Step 3: Follow The Systems We Have Created

Pick the system that makes the most sense with your audience and time availability and get promoting to your email list and on social media.

Become A Super Affiliate...

Will your name and face or business logo be on our Super Affiliate board as a $100,000 commission earner?

The Social Sellers Affiliate Program Is For You If...

  • You want to create additional passive income streams in your business on your time.
  • You genuinely want to help business owners win with their social media and tech.
  • You know people or are willing to look for those who need social media & tech help.
  • You don't want to run a business (maybe you work or are time-poor) but you do want to bring extra income into your family.
  • You want to be a part of an exciting team committed to changing the world in their way.
  • You want simple systems to be able to earn additional money.
  • You want to be celebrated and loved on.
  • You DON'T want to have to jump through minimum requirement hoops to earn.
  • You know that making money takes being consistent, time and working smart.

Heads Up, This Is NOT For You If...

  • You promote other social media and tech strategies as it will confuse people.
  • You will spam the heck out of your people and hound them in DM's or nag them to death.
  • You will not follow the simple rules (i.e. be a good human) and systems we create.
  • You are looking for a get-rich-quick, sipping cocktails on beach by tomorrow opportunity
  • You will post about how having a job is bad and it's a pyramid scheme.
  • You want all the hoops like minimum orders and recruiting numbers per month.
  • You don't care about people - you are fine to ghost people and keep earning from them.
  • You will lie about earnings, opportunities and be cutthroat to earn more.
  • You steal the leads of other promoters, post your link on Faith's or other affiliate's pages.
  • You want all the hoops like minimum orders and recruiting numbers per month.

Who Is Social Sellers?

Why Should I Promote Them To My Audience?

Social Sellers was founded by Faith Christiansen in 2019 to help remove the tech and marketing overwhelm that is being caused by all the fluff and noise. We genuinely care about people and want to see them win.



We see people (a single mum like I was, a sole breadwinner, a mom looking to try to give her child extra or even just keep food on their table) joining affiliate programs, direct sales, and network marketing opportunities to try and earn extra money.

For so many it is so hard to make enough money to make a difference in their life so they quit and feel like a failure, sometimes more behind than when they started due to the minimum requirements of autoships.

The sad thing though is that we see a lot of people that could make a huge difference in people's lives with their products and services but they are overwhelmed.

Their website is a non-converting hot mess express, they are overpaying for subscriptions, constantly joining low-value programs, they are undercharging for their skills and they don't have sales systems that can make money for them while they sleep.


We are on a mission to create global financial freedom, no matter who you are. To help 10,000 business owners and entrepreneurs reach their financial goals faster so that they can have choices while taking back control of their time to live a life they love instead of being trapped behind a screen for 10+ hours a day.

We want to give income to those who can't work full time (like moms of disabled children or careers), those who do work full time but want extra income, and those who don't have the money to access the higher-cost programs but really want to start an online business.

If they can get access to a computer or phone and are willing to follow a proven system, to connect with people and make a difference to others we want to help them make money and have time freedom.

Let's Get You Started Earning And Helping Us Change Even More Lives...

It is time to take our time back. We have been sold a lot of fluffy, overwhelming crap that is costing us the freedom that we are looking for. We deserve to have the money for the dream life and the time to actually enjoy it. With automated sales funnel systems and powerful, simple tech we can change our lives and the life of everyone who enters our world.

Together Let's Help Other Business Owners Stop Being Held Hostage By Complicated, Expensive Tech And Earning More So They Can Live The Happy Life They Deserve NOW rather than someday.


Have You Got Questions? We Have The Answers.

How much time do I need to dedicate to this to earn?

You choose the timeframe that you have available. You get the results from the effort you put in. We make it as simple as we can to earn.

You don't have to create content with our program, you can just tag people in Faith's post or share content to people in DM's and then keep in touch with them via Messenger to make sure they join with your link.

I am not tech or social media savvy, will I still be able to earn?

Absolutely. If you can follow the videos and the simple instructions we give you can earn. Our mission is to make everything as simple as possible. You just need to be able to post on social media and copy and paste in order to earn.

Is this a pyramid scheme or network marketing?

A pyramid scheme is seen when you make more from recruiting new people than you do from selling. We pay double the commission for sales than bringing in new affiliates.

We are also NOT a network marketing company that usually has complicated compensation plans, legs of this, matrix that, and auto-ship requirements.

We are simply a business that uses affiliates to grow profits and rewards them fairly for doing it.

What if I don't have a business?

We have people in our program who are not interested in running their own business for various reasons such as they are carers for sick parents or disabled children.

This is the perfect place to be if you don't want to start one as you are learning key tech and marketing skills but you can be a stay at home mom or carer who wants to earn extra cash and not want to run a business and still earn.

What if I don't have a following or email list yet?

Yes if you are willing to do the work to grow a following. An email list is not necessary to someone who is not interested in running a business and just looking for extra cash from a side hustle.

You do need to create relationships to make sales. If you are willing to do that we show you how to find people and connect with them in our training.

When are the training calls and working bees held?

We are a global program and as we have members from all over the world, we know the times may not be great for everyone. For this reason, we record every session and stream it live to the private Facebook group so you have two points of access.

You will be invited to training events and working bees that we create in the group. You can also find all live events in the Facebook group under the events tab. Sometimes the working bee are pop up and the notice will be short but nothing is mandatory.

(Please convert to your relevant timezone – we recommend this tool).

How long will it take me to complete the training?

Our goal is to keep the core training to under an hour. The group will build over time with trainings but the main things will always be under the "Getting Started" tab in the group. If you have spare time, want to know more or want to watch past trainings you can but for some that are time poor you are better to do the income-producing activities so you can earn instead of just consume.

Can members of my family join as an affiliate?

We welcome everyone to the team as we believe everyone deserves to have financial freedom. Unlike network marketing, you don't earn more by stacking sales under someone else's name so if they are not interested in referring people there is no benefit to you in them joining.

Am I guaranteed to make money?

No, we can not guarantee any results but the program has no ongoing cost so you are not losing anything by trying. Some people make sales within an hour of joining, some days, and some in the first weeks.

Others however need to build an audience and communication skills so it takes them longer. Know though that if you are showing up and doing the work we will help you in every way possible to succeed.

The testimonials and case studies that you see here are from those who really dug in and did the work. They were consistent and showed up for themselves - even if it was only for a short period of time. If you want to succeed (especially if bigger freedom figures) you will need to put in the work.

Some people may already have the audience and need to do less in the beginning and others will have to work harder as they are starting from scratch.

Sometimes results can take longer which can be for many reasons including the affiliate is starting from absolutely nothing, has the wrong people on their list, and has no business or communication skills that have to be developed. Others may have no audience at all.

However, if you are doing the work, in the support group asking for help we will be here for you helping you every step of the way. Know that you can learn these skills and there will be information that will support your life in other ways.

Can I make money even if I have a job or can only do a few hours?

Absolutely. We have different levels of activities that we suggest. Some for those that only have 30 minutes a day and for those with longer that want to hit the bigger numbers we have extensions of those activities.

You choose your commitment level and we match that.

Can I be constantly recommending people or are their intake dates for the programs?

The large majority of our programs are evergreen and accept people all year round. This includes Social Media Sprints, High Vibe Vault, Explode Your Sales Workshop, Funnel Masters and our signature high-ticket program The Business Accelerator Academy.

On occasion, we may bring in an event such as the Business Accelerator Bootcamp that has start and finish dates. You will be notified of these styles of programs in the affiliate group.

What happens to my commission if someone refunds or does a chargeback?

Our terms and conditions on refunds are very on point. As most of the content is digital there is no refund available. We do have a 7-day period of grace which is technically a cooling off period. You may not see affiliate commission in your stats during this period despite receiving an email that you earned commission.

These terms mean that it is not often that this will need to be addressed. If the occasion does arise for whatever reason and someone is refunded, the commission for that refund will be deducted from your next commission payment or it will be owed back to us.

How much access do I get to Faith as an affiliate?

Faith is the head coach in every session and is the leader of the team. She is constantly posting and recording little videos to help you earn. Plus she is in the group answering questions, supporting, and checking in with the members.

If you send her a private message she will get back to you as quickly as possible depending on the number of messages in her inbox. If you are asking questions covered in the group, she will tag you in the relevant post to help you. Questions are best asked in the group as it helps everyone who also might have that question get an answer as well.

If the question is related to something other than the affiliate program such as questions about your business, you will be directed to the program that answers them the best. She does not do private coaching on other businesses in her inbox.

How does the Scholarships work?

The partial scholarships from the Life Without Limitations Foundation will be by application and we will have people looking over each one on a case-by-case basis.

The approved people will not be paying Social Sellers and will instead be paying the foundation directly. On these payments, there will be only be 10% commission due to the legal restrictions.

Copyright 2024 Social Sellers LLC All Rights Reserved